Uporabite lahko obrazec na desni, pišete nam lahko na ali pa nas pokličite na eno izmed telefonskih številk:

Jernej Gartner / 041 834 696
Brigita Gartner / 041 283 453

Najlepša hvala!

13 Brnčičeva ulica
Ljubljana - Črnuče, Ljubljana, 1231


Arhitekturno projektiranje javnih in privatnih objektov vseh velikosti s poudarkom na farmacevtski industriji in visokokakovostnih večstanovanjskih objektov in hiš, notranje opreme in poslovnih prostorov.



Architectural design of public and private buildings of all sizes with an emphasis on the pharmaceutical industry, high-end apartment buildings, single family houses and interior design.

Our projects range from designing interiors and one-family homes to more demanding larger buildings, renovations and energy refitting of buildings of all sizes. In each project, we try to create a functional, aesthetic, energy-efficient, and unique product.
— Gartner Architects

public competition - 1. award | LOW ENERGY - PASSIVE SPORTS HALL MENGEŠ | Gartner, Košorok

public competition - acknowledgment | COMPLETE ARRANGEMENT OF THE SETTLEMENT DOBROVA | Gartner, Košorok, Todorovič, Bertok

public competition - acknowledgment | COMPLETE ARRANGEMENT OF THE SETTLEMENT POLHOV GRADEC | Gartner, Košorok, Todorovič, Bertok

public competition - 1. award | KNEŽJI DVOREC CELJE | Gartner, Gobov, Ebenšpanger

public competition - acknowledgment | ARRANGEMENT OF PUBLIC SURFACES OF OLD TOWN ŠKOFJA LOKA | Gartner, Košorok, Bertok, Todorovič

public competition - 1. award | RENOVATION OF THE OLD TOWN OF DRAVOGRAD | Gartner, Gobov, Ebenšpanger

public competition - 1. award | OLD CASTLE CELJE | Gartner, Gobov, Ebenšpanger

invited competition - 1. award | TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER ŠKOFJA LOKA | Gartner